Thursday, April 8, 2010

Marmalade Dreams

Whew! It's been a regular whirlwind around here. Ok, not really. But I have been doing a bit of baking and canning and what not. I saw this recipe for Lemon Ginger Marmalade and had coincidentally just bought a bag of lemons that were on sale for $2.49. (Seriously, could you pass that up?) So it seemed pretty logical to me what to do with them.  So after buying the cutest quilted canning jars.... taaadaah!

Ok. I know what you're thinking, lemons??

But trust me, it is ooooh so delicious! Just think lemonhead candy, mmmm. It's especially delicious on homemade english muffin bread.

Other than that the only other exciting thing to happen in my happy abode is that we got a new dishwasher. Whoo hoo! Actually, it is pretty exciting. The dishes actually get clean now, not dirtier. Who would have thought?! And it is sooooo quiet, our old one sounded like a freight train running through our house. So I'm pretty happy. 

And on a crafty note, I'm still working on that shrug for my friend and I know it's going to take me a bit so I've promised her a hat in the meantime. I'm making her the same one I made my SIL that I mentioned in my previous post. I had some nice yarn already and the cutest buttons for it. I hope she likes it. I do have some sewing that I've been itching to do. But of course I've been too lazy to dig out all my sewing gear to actually do it. And I've decided that I NEED a table for my sewing machine so that I don't have to use my dinning room anymore. I found one that I think will suffice for my needs at Ikea for about 20 bucks. Can't beat that. Now I just have to get my butt to Ikea...  

I've also really, really been itching to get back to painting. Of course I can't just ease myself back into it either. No, no easy abstract color thing I must do a landscape painting. I know, I think I do these things on purpose sometimes, just to see if I really have the balls to do it. Or more likely so that I never do it. Who knows? I might just have the cojones. 

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hello Again

Well the trip to Italy has come and gone. The flights were as you imagine they would be with a little one. The visit was frustrating and boring. Let's just leave it at that shall we? We did get to visit Venice for a day and that was spectacular! I have tons of pictures from that day, but will only bore you with a few...

So since then the little one turned a year old. We just kept the event small, but I think he still had a great day. I just haven't had much energy lately and didn't feel like dealing with a full blown party, especially one that he'd never remember. So a small party it was but it was big on presents and cake, and hey, those are what really matter, right?

As far as crafts, I have been doing some knitting lately. I'm making a one skein shrug for a friend who I've been feeling guilty about not having a Bday gift for. And then to prevent said guilt, I am crocheting a beret for my SIL's upcoming birthday at the end of the month. I've also been wanting badly to make an afghan for our bed. Crochet of course, knitting an afghan would take the rest of my life! So I've been obsessed with afghan patterns but I think I've decided on a very simple, quick one since this will be my first.  Let's just hope that the color scheme will go as planned! All right, off to do some more knitting!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Italy and a Wall

Wow, I really suck at this whole blogging business don't I? In my defense not too much has happened lately. Thanksgiving was nice and quiet, as was Christmas. Since we live so far from our families, holidays tend to be that way.

On to current news. We will be leaving Saturday for a two week trip to Italy to see John's father. Did I mention we will be traveling with an eleven month old? If you're the praying type, please say one for us, I think we'll need it! I am pretty excited about the trip nonetheless. We will arrive in Venice, and his father lives in a small town called Cavasso Nuovo which is about two hours west. The closest "city" would be Pordonone which is about 30 minutes from his house I'm told. I'm excited to see the historical sights and to just experience Italian living. Since our flight leaves from Italy so early we've decided to spend the night in Venice which will give us a chance to see the sights there as well. Neither of us speak any Italian so it's a good thing we are visiting someone who does! I have been trying to at least get the basics down, but it's just so darn hard! I think we'll manage though. So be expecting a blog update when I get back loaded with lots of pics!

I did however manage to finish one project on my list this month. The infamous bare wall in our living room is now adorned! I think it turned out all right, of course there are things that I think could change or maybe next time I'll do differently, but it works for now. Ultimately my goal is to finish a painting for the space. Anywho, here's is a picture of how it looks now...

I couldn't seem to get the couch and the wall in the same shot ;) So here's a pic with part of each:

Like I said, it'll do for now. It's much better than a blank wall that's for sure!

And finally, my baby will be a year old next month! I can't believe it, it has really gone by fast. It's been so taxing and challenging but oh so worth it. I love him more and more everyday. I've really loved watching him become this little person with his own opinions and little personality. He is such a sensitive, loving little guy. I can't wait to see him become more and more his own person, but not to quickly! I love you my baby boy.